We receive more and more e-mails from German educators, teachers, and parents who are concerned about stereotypes being passed on at kindergartens and schools in Germany. They want to ensure that children have access to accurate information about the diversity of Native American nations and communities. But, there is barely any teaching material available in German language that was created together with Native Americans.
If you have access to teaching material, even though it's in English, please send us a message.
| For now, we will share links to websites and videos in English to give educators, teachers and parents something they can watch together with the German speaking children, even though they will have to translate or explain it.
Hopefully by spreading the word we will find Native American authors, organizations and publishing companies with an interest in getting their teaching material, children's books, and videos translated into German. At the same time we will continue to help raising awareness for stereotypes that are still widely spread here in Europe by sharing links to websites, articles and videos focusing on these topics. We start with a link list and embedded YouTube videos to give a first insight. In these videos and articles Native Americans voice their opinions.
On the new site "Information for Children - Educational Resources" you will find embedded YouTube videos of "Molly of Denali", as well as background information and links to online games and other activities by PBS KIDS.